Ethiopian Family Guidance Association Southwest Region Jimma Branch Office Donated 3000 Sanitizers and 3000 masks which costs more than 250 thousand Birr for Jimma College of Teachers Education to combat COVID-19 Pandemic

Ethiopian Family Guidance Association Southwest Region Jimma Branch Office Donated 3000 Sanitizers and 300 surgical masks which costs more than 250 thousands ETB for Jimma College of Teachers Education to combat COVID-19 Pandemic. This donation has great contribution for the beginning of 2013 academic year training in safe way during students enrollment. The handing over


Ethiopian Family Guidance Association Southwest Region Jimma Branch Office Donated 3000 Sanitizers and 3000 masks which costs more than 250 thousand Birr for Jimma College of Teachers Education to combat COVID-19 Pandemic Read More »

Akkaataa itti fayyadama ELearning Kolleejjichaa

|> Barattootni eebbifamtootnii fi qorumsa gahumsaa irra deebiin fudhatan websiticha banuun menu jalaa category “COC Models” jedhuun banuun akkaataa muummee keessaniitti banuun qorumsicha online qoramuun erga qorumsa coc online galee jiru qoramtanii xumurtanii booda xumurarratti submit all kan jedhu xuquun feedback deebii keessanii ilaaluun kan argattanii fi kan dhabdan akkasumas deebii sirriin kam tahuu akka


Akkaataa itti fayyadama ELearning Kolleejjichaa Read More »

Kaadhimatoota Barsiisotaa Bara 2011 Qorumsa Gahumsaa Qoramtanii Osoo Hin Milkaa’in Haftanii fi Eebbifamtoota Bara 2012tiif

Kaadhimatoota Barsiisotaa Bara 2011 Qorumsa Gahumsaa Qoramtanii Osoo Hin Milkaa’in Haftanii fi Eebbifamtoota Bara 2012tiif Yeroon tutooriyaalii fi barnootaa isiniif qophaa’e akkaataa armaan gadiitiin ta’uu isaa beektanii guyyaa jedhame kana dursuun Kolleejjiitti argamuun barnoota keessan kan itti fuftan ta’uu isin hubachiisna. Lakk. Guyyaa Barnootni itti jalqabu. 1. Barattoota Idilee fi galagalaa bara 2011 qorumsa gahumsaa


Kaadhimatoota Barsiisotaa Bara 2011 Qorumsa Gahumsaa Qoramtanii Osoo Hin Milkaa’in Haftanii fi Eebbifamtoota Bara 2012tiif Read More »

Hawaasni Kolleejjii Barsiisotaa Jimmaa Duula Ashaaraa Magariisaa Adoolessa 2012 Irratti Hirmaatan

Hawaasni Kolleejjii Barsiisotaa Jimmaa Duula Ashaaraa Magariisaa Adoolessa 2012 Irratti Hirmaatan #AshaaraaMagariisa Hawaasni Kolleejjichaa biqiltuu dhaabuuf qophaa’e qooddachuun ashaataa isaanii kaa’ataniiru. Biqiltuu dhaabuun kan geggeeffames bifa of eeggannoon guutameen fageenya isaanii eeggachuuni dha. Hawasni keenyas biqiltuu dhaabuu qofa osoo hin taane Biqiltuu dhaabe kana akka kunuunsu waada galanii jiru. Duula ashaaraa magariisaa KBBJimmaa hawaasa kolleejjii


Hawaasni Kolleejjii Barsiisotaa Jimmaa Duula Ashaaraa Magariisaa Adoolessa 2012 Irratti Hirmaatan Read More »

Kolleejjiin Barsiisota Jimmaa Meeshaalee Qulqullinaa fi Of eeggannoo COVID-19f oolan Bulchiinsa Godina Jimmaaf Gumaache

Kolleejjiin Barsiisota Jimmaa Meeshaalee Qulqullinaa fi of eeggannoo COVID-19f oolan Deeggarsaaf Akka Ooluuf Bulchiinsa Godina Jimmaaf Gumaache. Deeggarsi kenname kunis bakka bulchaan bulchiinsa Godina Jimmaa Obbo. Abdulhaakim Muluu fi Hooggantootni fi hawaasni kolleejjichaa argamatti koree deeggarsicha walitti qabuuf dabarfamee kennameera. Meeshaaleen deeggarsaa kunis namoota harka qalleeyyii fi meeshaalee of eeggannoo kana bitachuu hin dandeenyeef akka


Kolleejjiin Barsiisota Jimmaa Meeshaalee Qulqullinaa fi Of eeggannoo COVID-19f oolan Bulchiinsa Godina Jimmaaf Gumaache Read More »

Jimma College of Teachers Education graduated totally 1226 candidates consequently at Jne 15 and 22 20111 EC with Diploma.

Jimma College of Teachers Education graduated a totally of 1226 candidates consequently on June 15 and 22 20111 EC with Diploma. The graduated candidates include both regular and evening classification. In other cases, the college was also teaching at two campuses. 1063 students were attended their class at the college’s main campus while 163 have


Jimma College of Teachers Education graduated totally 1226 candidates consequently at Jne 15 and 22 20111 EC with Diploma. Read More »

FRIENDS OF 50 YEARS By Mitiku Dibessa

FRIENDS OF 50 YEARS Contributed By Mitiku Dibessa Jimma College of Teacher Education was established in September, 1968 as teacher training institution. It is now 50 years since the institution began training teachers. In those 50 years, the TEI has trained approximately 50,000 primary school teachers. Currently, it is hard to find universities in Ethiopia


FRIENDS OF 50 YEARS By Mitiku Dibessa Read More »

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone

JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone May 24, 2019: College of Education and Behavioral Science of Jimma University and Jimma College of Teacher’s Education have jointly organized a two days’ workshop dedicated to the 50th year Golden Jubilee celebration of establishment


JU’s President Dr. Jemal Abafita calls for a better synergy between JU and JCTE to revolutionize education in Jimma Zone Read More »